Ok :-/ i gotta be honest. While making these corn...something, i had no clue if it was going to be a success. Actually, i was conviced that it would be a total failure, but i wanted to be sure so i went all the way. You are probably asking yourself why i didnt get the recipe on the net uh? I am actually asking myself the same question right now...-_-' But anyway...I did just like my moma (mom lol)...she is kinda stubborn and makes the best corn...stuff in the wooooooorld! And I have to say that she never reavealed the recipe. Now I am soooo happy because when moma came back from work (you should've seen her face at that time) and that she saw my corn stuff on the table, she said: oh, you made it o_O? And when she tasted it, she said: ok, give me your recipe -_-! YAY in your face momaaaaa!
made by me ;-)
Si seulement les images pouvaient dégager des odeurs...
I almost faint while taking the pictures ÇA SENTAIT TELLEMENT BON!!!!!!!
I will never get tired of pastries :-)
-1 1/2 tasse de farine de maïs fin
-1/2 tasse de farine tout-usage
-1 1/2 c.à thé (7 ml) de poudre à pâte
-1/2 c.à thé de sel
-2/3 tasse de beurre mou
-1 tasse de sucre
-1 tasse de lait
-3 oeufs
-2 c.à thé d'essence de noyau
Même chose qu'avec les cupcakes...lol
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